Dumpleton's Den


The Opposites Book

Ok so I'll just get right to it, here's the artwork for "The Opposites Book".  This book posed a real challenge for me and took a lot of planning.  Almost every illustration is filled with detail and it was difficult to try and make each character their own person and in their own environment (although some environments are similar to keep some consistences).  All in all I'm very pleased with the turnout of this one, hope you enjoy as well!

Much love


Long Time Comin'

Well this is quite the long overdue blog post if I do say so.  I have to apologize for that, I moved into a new apartment in downtown Buffalo back in mid December and have been without internet until today.  Yes, I am once again a functioning member of society.  During my long absence from my blog I completed my 6th book for Carousel Pediatrics titled, "The Opposites Book".  Look for a post following this one containing the finished artwork.  It has been a crazy couple of months though, between moving into my new place, the holidays, and facing some family hardships.  But on the bright side of things I love my new apartment and the freedom as well as creative environment it gives me.  There are a couple sketches I'd like to share.  One I did in the Laundromat and another for a poster promoting my good friend Phil Machemer's comedy show.  Enjoy :)

Much Love
