Dumpleton's Den



Hey all, it's currently 4:04am and I've finished another piece to add to my Animal Skull series.  Leave me with your comments whilst I fall asleep... zZzZz..


  1. This also awesome! Are these digital I assume? you should try and get some translucency in the shadows, let the background show through. I always liked the way that looks, it integrates the foreground and background a little that way, definiately super awesome. Love the angle too, what kind of skull is this?

  2. Thanks buddy, they're about half digital and half traditional. I sketched the whole thing out in my sketchbook and added color pencil to it. Then I bring it into photoshop and continue to do the rest. I definitely agree with letting the background show through more, I'll be experimenting with different techniques each time I work on one of these. This is a Siberian Tiger skull, which is sad to think about since they're on the endangered species list :(

  3. I agree, it adds a bit oh poignancy to the painting. I like that though, gives it some more substance.

  4. i love it. i think it would look good with some green from the background blended into some of the highlights on the bones. are you going to make prints of these? i would definitely buy/swap

  5. Yeah I agree, I definitely try and improve from suggestions made on previous pieces. The bear skull def has more of a unified look to it I think. Thanks again for the constructive criticism, it helps me improve :) I can def make a print of whichever you desire and whatever size you like. Send me an email and we can work something out
